Data returned from endpoints

Arrays, objects, and elements returned from the API

Symmetry Minimum Wage Finder returns minimum wage data for all authority types (for example, state, city, federal, and more) along with the effective date, job type, job function, and other important details that correspond to each rate.

The /mwf/v1/id endpoint supports pagination so metadata about the pagination collection is returned in the response in addition to minimum wage rate data.

Below are the objects returned from these endpoints.

Minimum Wage Rate object

mwUidStringUnique wage code for the minimum wage. Please refer to the Client Support Center for additional details on the mwUid.
stateStringState name that corresponds to stateCode returned.
stateCodeNumberTwo-digit value that represents the state.
authorityCodeNumberProprietary code to identify the authority. Please log into the Client Support Center for additional details.
authorityStringName of the relevant city or local taxation authority. State and Federal return null.
authorityTypeStringTaxing authority that defines the authorityTypeCode. Values are as follows: Federal, State, County, City, City Metro, Municipal.
authorityTypeCodeNumberProprietary value that corresponds to the taxing authority (authorityType). Please refer to the Client Support Center for additional information.
rateStringMinimum wage rate.
effectiveDateStringMinimum wage effective date.
majorTypeStringThree-character code that represents wage type. Values are as follows: REG (regular), TIP (tipped), EXM (exempt).
industryTypeStringIndustry where the wages are earned (e.g., non-profit organization, agriculture, apparel, healthcare, etc.).
industryTypeCodeNumberProprietary code to identify the industryType. Please refer to the Client Support Center for additional information.
minorTypeStringShort description of employer and defines minorTypeCode.
minorTypeCodeNumberProprietary code to identify the minorType. Please refer to the Client Support Center for additional information.
detailsStringLong description of minorType.
updatedStringTimestamp when the minimum wage record was last updated. Note: this applies to any change to the record, not just rate changes.

Normalized Address object (normalizedAddress)

streetAddress1StringNormalized street address that conforms to USPS address standardization used for rate determination.
cityStringCity name of normalized address that confirms to USPS address standardization used for rate determination.
stateStringState abbreviation of normalized address that confirms to USPS address standardization used for rate determination.
zipCodeStringZIP code of normalized address that confirms to USPS address standardization used for rate determination.

Normalized Coordinates object (normalizedCoordinates)

longitudeNumberLongitude of normalized address used for rate determination. If a longitude and latitude were passed in, this will return null.
latitudeNumberLatitude of normalized address used for rate determination. If a longitude and latitude were passed in, this will return null.

Rates array (rates)

Contains an array of minimum wage objects. See above for the elements that comprise the minimum wage object and their definitions.

Rates Page object (ratesPage)

Returned from the /mwf/v1/id endpoint. Contains an array of minimum wage objects. See above for the elements that comprise the minimum wage object and their definitions.

contentArrayContains one or more minimum wage objects.
pageableObjectContains metadata about the pagination collection along with the sort object.
lastBooleanReturns true if it's the last page in the pagination collection.
totalPagesNumberNumber of pages within the pagination collection.
totalElementsNumberNumber of minimum wage objects returned within the entire pagination collection.
sortObjectContains data on the MWF default sort order. This cannot be changed.
sizeNumberMaximum number of minimum wage objects returned within each page. Set by pageSize.
numberNumberPage number in collection. Set by pageNumber. The first page in the collection is always pageNumber=0.
firstBooleanReturns true if payload is the first within the pagination collection (pageNumber = 0).
numberOfElementsNumberNumber of minimum wage objects returned within the payload.
emptyBooleanReturns true when the content array is empty (no minimum wage objects are returned) for that specific pageNumber.

Pageable object (pageable)

Returned from the /mwf/v1/id endpoint.

sortContains the default sort for MWF as defined by the application:
/mwf/v1/id is sorted by state_code, authority_code, effective_date.
/mwf/v1/location is sorted by authority level (federal - state - county – local level).
sort.unsortedAlways returns true.
sort.sortedAlways returns false.
sort.emptyAlways returns true.
offsetRecord number of the first item in the current paginated result.
pageNumberPage number in collection. Set by pageNumber.
pageSizeMaximum number of minimum wage objects returned within each page. Set by pageSize.
unpagedWill always return false.
pagedWill always return true.

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