Get minimum wage rates by ID

/mwf/v1/id endpoint

The /mwf/v1/id endpoint returns minimum wage rates by the minimum wage unique id (mwUid). The minimum wage unique id (mwUid) string is returned for each rate in the /mwf/v1/location endpoint. Log in to the Symmetry Client Support Center to learn more about the minimum wage ID elements.

Query Parameters

industryTypeCode3-digit numberOptional
majorType3-digit numberOptional
minorTypeCode3-digit numberOptional

Sample GET Request

curl --location --request GET '*-*-*&pageNumber=0&pageSize=10' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer y0urT0kenHere' \
--header 'Cookie: c00kieHere'

In this example, parameters are set to the following:

  • effectiveDate: 2020-01-01
  • mwUid: 6-3-277483---*
  • pageNumber: 0
  • pageSize: 10

Sample Response

The response contains the content array of minimum wage objects in addition to data on the pageable collection.

    "ratesPage": {
        "content": [
                "mwUid": "06-3-000277483-REG-000-002",
                "stateCode": 6,
                "state": "California",
                "authorityCode": 277483,
                "authority": "Campbell",
                "authorityTypeCode": 3,
                "authorityType": "City",
                "rate": "15.00",
                "effectiveDate": "2022-01-01",
                "majorType": "REG",
                "industryTypeCode": 0,
                "industryType": "",
                "minorTypeCode": 2,
                "minorType": "26 Employees Or More",
                "details": "26 employees or more",
                "updated": "2020-07-07 17:16:03"
                "mwUid": "06-3-000277483-REG-000-003",
                "stateCode": 6,
                "state": "California",
                "authorityCode": 277483,
                "authority": "Campbell",
                "authorityTypeCode": 3,
                "authorityType": "City",
                "rate": "14.00",
                "effectiveDate": "2022-01-01",
                "majorType": "REG",
                "industryTypeCode": 0,
                "industryType": "",
                "minorTypeCode": 3,
                "minorType": "25 Employees Or Less",
                "details": "25 employees or less",
                "updated": "2020-07-07 17:16:03"
        "pageable": {
            "sort": {
                "sorted": false,
                "unsorted": true,
                "empty": true
            "pageNumber": 0,
            "pageSize": 10,
            "offset": 0,
            "paged": true,
            "unpaged": false
        "totalElements": 2,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "last": true,
        "sort": {
            "sorted": false,
            "unsorted": true,
            "empty": true
        "first": true,
        "numberOfElements": 2,
        "size": 10,
        "number": 0,
        "empty": false

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