Taxes Endpoint

Retrieve taxes by home and work locations.

The /taxes endpoint is the main endpoint within Payroll Point that returns taxes by home and work location(s).

Clients must provide an active access token (accessToken) as a credential when connecting to this endpoint. Refer to the authentication endpoint overview for instructions on how to request an access token (accessToken). Additionally, when making the HTTP request to the /taxes endpoint, clients must set the accept-content header to application/json: --header 'Content-Type: application/json'.



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The /prp/v1/taxes endpoint can receive the following address combinations within the array:

  • a single home address (or latitude/longitude pair) and one work address (or latitude/longitude pair) for an employee.
  • a single home address (or latitude/longitude pair) and multiple work addresses (or latitude/longitude pairs) for an employee.

The /prp/v1/taxes endpoint returns a list of all applicable taxes for the employee.

Sample Request

   "taxRequestId": "1",
   "payDate": "",
   "useAddressSuggestion": false,
   "home": {
     "companyHasNexus": true,
     "location": {
       "address": {
         "streetAddress1": "123 main st",
         "streetAddress2": "",
         "city": "Edison",
         "state": "NJ",
         "zipCode": "08837"
       "geoCoordinates": {
         "latitude": 0,
         "longitude": 0
   "work": [
       "locationName": "Symmetry Work Address",
       "nonResidentCertificateOnFile": true,
       "location": {
         "address": {
           "streetAddress1": "14350 87th st",
           "streetAddress2": "",
           "city": "Scottsdale",
           "state": "AZ",
           "zipCode": "85260"
         "geoCoordinates": {
           "latitude": 0,
           "longitude": 0

Request Elements

homeRequiredObjectContains location object for employee’s home and whether the company has Nexus. See Location Object.
home.companyHasNexusRequiredBooleanSet to true if company has a business presence.
payDateOptionalStringDate payroll is run. Must be in YYYY-MM-DD format. Pass in an empty string to default to today’s date.
taxRequestIdOptionalStringOptional value set by client to track request.
workRequiredArrayAn array of work objects.
work[x].locationNameOptionalStringOptional value set by client that refers to the work location.
work[x].nonResidentCertificateOnFileRequiredBooleanWhen set to true, employee utilizes reciprocity and is exempt in the work state and withholds only in the home state. Please note that “nonresident certificate” may not always refer to an entirely separate form. For example, if Virginia was the work state, then it would correspond to the checkbox on line 3 of the Virginia Form VA-4.
work[x].locationRequiredObjectContains address and geocoordinate objects. See Location Object.
locationRequiredObjectContains address and geocoordinate objects.
location.addressRequired if location.geoCoordinates is nullObjectStreet address for specified location.
location.address.street Address1Required if location.geoCoordinates is nullStringStreet number and street name.
location.address.street Address2OptionalStringAddress identifier (e.g., apartment number, suite number, etc.).
location.address.cityRequired if location.geoCoordinates is nullStringCity name.
location.address.stateRequired if location.geoCoordinates is nullStringState name or abbreviation.
location.address.zipCodeRequired if location.geoCoordinates is nullStringPostal zip code (either 5 or 9 digits).
location.geoCoordinatesRequired if location.address is nullObjectLongitude and latitude coordinates of specified location.
location.geoCoordinates.latitudeRequired if location.address is nullNumberLatitude.
location.geoCoordinates.longitudeRequired if location.address is nullNumberLongitude.
useAddressSuggestionOptionalBooleanWhen set to true, if an invalid address is provided in the location object, Payroll Point will use the first suggested address that closely matches the inputted address instead of returning a transaction error. If no suggested address is found, Payroll Point will geocode based on the ZIP code. Read more here.

Sample Response

The response contains an array of result objects that include location details for the normalized home and work locations in addition to the taxes related to each jurisdiction.

Below is an example of a successful request. Repeated elements are omitted with an {...}.

            "result": {
                "homeResults": {
                    "inputGeoCoordinates": {
                        "longitude": 0.0,
                        "latitude": 0.0
                    "locationDetails": {
                        "taxJurisdictions": {
                            "type": "FeatureCollection",
                            "features": [
                                    "type": "Feature",
                                    "properties": {
                                        "name": "New Jersey",
                                        "steCode": "34",
                                        "stateCode": "34",
                                        "steCodeType": "STATE"
                        "locationCode": "34-023-0004052284107435813"
                    "locationTaxes": [
                    "addressResults": {
                        "inputAddress": {
                            "streetAddress1": "123 Main St",
                            "streetAddress2": "",
                            "city": "Edison",
                            "state": "NJ",
                            "zipCode": "08837"
                        "normalizedAddress": {
                            "streetAddress1": "123 Main St",
                            "city": "Edison",
                            "state": "NJ",
                            "zipCode": "08837-2920"
                        "isVerified": true,
                        "addressResultMessages": {
                            "GS06": {
                                "shortDescription": "Geocoded to Interpolated Rooftop Level",
                                "longDescription": "The record was geocoded down to the rooftop level using interpolation (educated estimations using street coordinates). The point may be in or close to the property boundaries."
                        "addressErrorMessages": {},
                        "isGeocoded": false,
                        "latitude": 40.522835,
                        "longitude": -74.358125,
                        "addressTypeCode": "S",
                        "addressTypeDescription": "Street"
                "workResults": {
                    "workLocation1": {
                        "locationName": "Main Office",
                        "inputGeoCoordinates": {. . .},
                        "locationDetails": {. . .},
                        "locationTaxes": [. . .],
                        "addressResults": {. . .},
                "payDate": "2021-08-04",
                "taxResults": [
                        "uniqueTaxID": "34-000-0000-SIT-000",
                        "description": "New Jersey State Tax",
                        "rate": 0.0,
                        "rateType": "RATE_GRADUATED",
                        "wageBase": 0.0,
                        "taxLimit": 0.0,
                        "taxLimitPeriod": "None",
                        "taxStartDate": "2016-01-01",
                        "credit": 0.0,
                        "creditLimit": 0.0,
                        "paid": true,
                        "stateWide": true,
                        "stateCode": "34",
                        "stateName": "New Jersey",
                        "employerTax": false,
                        "resident": true
                "customCodes": [],
                "minimumWage": [
                        "mwUid": "00-0-000000000-REG-000-000",
                        "state": "Federal",
                        "stateCode": 0,
                        "authorityCode": 0,
                        "authority": "",
                        "authorityType": "Federal",
                        "authorityTypeCode": 0,
                        "rate": "7.25",
                        "effectiveDate": "2017-01-01",
                        "majorType": "REG",
                        "industryType": "",
                        "industryTypeCode": 0,
                        "minorType": "",
                        "minorTypeCode": 0,
                        "details": " ",
                        "updated": "2020-10-27 14:39:28"
    "transactionDetails": {
        "timestamp": "2021-08-17T12:59:51.572",
        "serviceVersion": "Address Service: 0.1.5, Address Data Build: 17296 (2021-07-15). Geo Data Build: 17260 (2021-07-15). ; Location service: 0.2.0. ; STE hosted: 1.74.0, STE: 2021-R9; Payroll Point service: 1.2.26",
        "processedTransactions": 1,
        "processingTime": 0.495000000

Response Elements

The descriptions below outline the key elements in a successful response.

Location Details Object

The Location Details object is returned for each home and work location passed into the endpoint.

locationDetailsObjectReturns details related to the location’s taxing jurisdiction
locationDetails.taxJurisdictionsObjectFeature details for the location including school, county, city, and state properties
locationDetails.taxJurisdictions.typeStringAlways returns "FeatureCollection"
locationDetails.taxJurisdictions.featuresArrayArray of Feature objects
locationDetails.locationCodeStringLocation Code of the location’s geocoordinates
locationDetails.psdCodeStringPennsylvania political subdivision code. Note: this element is only returned for PA locations ("stateCode": "42")

Features Object

The Location Details object is returned for each home and work location passed into the endpoint.

featuresArrayReturns feature properties including school, county, city, and state details.
features.typeStringAlways returns "Feature"
features.propertiesObjectContains details including school, county, city, and state properties location name that corresponds to properties.steCode returned code assigned to feature location. Defined by value that represents the state location type that defines the properties.steCode and returned. Clients can login into Symmetry's Client Support Center to see the full list of possible values returned. Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code. Clients can log into Symmetry's Client Support Center to see additional details.

Address Results Object

The Address Results object is returned for each home and work location passed into the endpoint.

addressResultsObjectReturns the original address, normalized address, and verification data
addressResults.inputAddressObjectContains street address provided to PRP API
addressResults.normalizedAddressObjectThe normalized address that conforms to USPS address standardization
address.isVerifiedBooleanReturns true when the address is successfully verified. The address must be verified before it can be geocoded.
address.addressResultMessagesObjectContains normalized address status codes and geocode status codes. See addressResultMessages object.
address.addressErrorMessagesObjectContains address normalization error codes. See addressErrorMessages object.
address.isGeocodedBooleanReturns true when the verified address was successfully geocoded without any errors or warnings.
address.latitudeNumberLatitude of normalized address
address.longitudeNumberLongitude of normalized address
address.addressTypeCodeStringCode that corresponds to an address type. Description of this value is provided in addressTypeDescription.
addressTypeDescriptionStringDescription of addressTypeCode (e.g., highrise, firm, or company, etc.)

Address Result Message Object

The Address Result Message object contains the results of the address normalization and geocoding process.


Address Results Messages do not indicate a geocoding failure has occurred. These messages inform clients of possible changes due to the normalization process. Please refer to the Address Error Message Object for information on errors.

addressResults.addressResultMessagesObjectReturns the result message from geocoding the normalized address. Clients can read more information about this object within Symmetry's Client Support Center.
addressResultMessages.shortDescriptionStringShort description describing the result code response (addressResultMessage)
addressResultMessages.longDescriptionStringExplanation describing the result code response (addressResultMessage)

Address Error Message Object

The Address Error Message object contains any applicable error codes related to the address normalization and geocoding process.

addressResults.addressErrorMessagesObjectReturns any error messages from the address normalization and geocoding process. Clients can read more information about this object within Symmetry's Client Support Center.
addressErrorMessages.shortDescriptionStringShort description describing the error code response (addressErrorMessages)
addressErrorMessages.longDescriptionStringExplanation describing the error code response (addressErrorMessages)

Location Taxes Array

Returns all tax uTaxIDs applicable to the location. Refer to the Tax Results array for the details on each of the tax IDs.

Tax Results Array

The tax results array contains all applicable taxes for the locations within the tax request.

taxResultsArrayReturns all applicable taxes for the locations within the tax request
uniqueTaxIDStringUnique Symmetry tax code for the tax. Log into Symmetry's Client Support Center for additional information.
descriptionStringDescription of the unique tax code (uniqueTaxID)
rateNumberTax rate
rateTypeStringDescribes the rate format. Log into Symmetry's Client Support Center for additional information.
wageBaseNumberThe maximum wages that can be taxed for the given taxLimitPeriod
taxLimitNumberThe limit for this tax based on the rate x wageBase
taxLimitPeriodStringPeriod in which the tax limit applies. Possible values are as follows: None, Annually, Quarterly, Monthly, and Weekly. A value of None means there’s no tax limit.
taxStartDateStringTax effective date
creditNumberTax credit
creditLimitNumberTax credit limit
paidBooleanReturns true if tax is potentially required to be withheld
stateWideBooleanReturns true if tax is a state tax (i.e., not a local tax)
stateCodeNumberTwo-digit value that represents the state
stateNameStringState name that corresponds to stateCode returned
employerTaxBooleanTax imposed on employer
residentBooleanReturns true when tax belongs to home (resident) location. Returns false when tax belongs to work location. When tax belongs to both locations, returns true.

Minimum Wage Object

The minimum wage array returns all applicable minimum wage rates for locations within the location tax request for clients who have purchased the Minimum Wage add-on for Symmetry Payroll Point.

minimumWageArrayReturns all applicable minimum wage rates for the locations within the tax request
mwUidStringUnique wage code for the minimum wage
stateStringState name that corresponds to stateCode returned
stateCodeNumberTwo-digit value that represents the state
authorityCodeNumberClients can log into Client Support Center for guidance on authorityCode.
authorityStringName of the relevant city or local taxation authority. State and Federal return null.
authorityTypeStringTaxing authority that defines the authorityTypeCode. Clients can log into Symmetry's Client Support Center for additional guidance.
authorityTypeCodeNumberOne-digit value that corresponds to the taxing authority (authorityType). Clients can log into Symmetry's Client Support Center for additional guidance.
rateStringTax rate
effectiveDateStringTax effective date
majorTypeStringThree-character code that represents wage type. Values are as follows: REG (regular), TIP (tipped), EXM (exempt)
industryTypeStringIndustry where the wages are earned.
industryTypeCodeNumberThree-digit value that corresponds to the industry where wages are earned (industryType)
minorTypeStringShort description of employer and defines minorTypeCode
minorTypeCodeNumberThree-digit value that corresponds to the minorType value
detailsStringLong description of minorType
updatedStringTimestamp when the minimum wage record was last updated. Note: this applies to any change to the record, not just rate changes.

Response Errors

Below are examples of errors you may encounter when calling the /prp/v1/taxes endpoint.

Invalid Input Data

Below is an example of a rejected response when passing in an invalid request. To correct for this error, update the request schema to align to the sample provided above and confirm the request elements are in the proper format.

"timestamp": "2022-03-10T14:58:37.223+0000",
"status": 400,
"error": "Bad Request",
"message": "Invalid request input data. Check your JSON request object to ensure it conforms to the request schema.",
"path": "/prp/v1/taxes"

Invalid JSON Request

Below is an example of an invalid JSON requests, which produces a 500 error.

"timestamp": "2022-03-08T15:41:07.282+0000",
"status": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"message": "No message available",
"path": "/prp/v1/taxes"

Invalid Address

If an invalid address is included in the work or home address request body, a transactionError element with errorCode and errorMessage will be provided. A summary processingError element is also provided that encompasses other error conditions.

    "result": {
        "homeResults": {
            "inputGeoCoordinates": {
            "longitude": 0.0,
            "latitude": 0.0
        "locationTaxes": [],
        "transactionError": {
            "errorCode": "SLS-ERR-ADR-IID-010",
            "errorMessage": "Unable to verify address."
        "addressResults": {
            "inputAddress": {
            "streetAddress1": "1 Dawes Ave",
            "streetAddress2": "",
            "city": "Syosset",
            "state": "NY",
            "zipCode": "11791"
        "isVerified": false,
        "addressResultMessages": {},
        "addressErrorMessages": {
            "AE10": {
                "shortDescription": "Premise Number Invalid",
                "longDescription": "The premise (house or building) number for the address is not valid."
        "isGeocoded": false,
        "addressTypeCode": "S",
        "addressTypeDescription": "Street"
"workResults": {
    "workLocation1": {
        "inputGeoCoordinates": {
            "longitude": 0.0,
            "latitude": 0.0
        "locationTaxes": [],
        "transactionError": {
            "errorCode": "SLS-ERR-ADR-IID-010",
            "errorMessage": "Unable to verify address."
        "addressResults": {
            "inputAddress": {
                "streetAddress1": "1 Dawes Ave",
                "streetAddress2": "",
                "city": "Syosset",
                "state": "NY",
                "zipCode": "11791"
            "isVerified": false,
            "addressResultMessages": {},
            "addressErrorMessages": {
                "AE10": {
                    "shortDescription": "Premise Number Invalid",
                    "longDescription": "The premise (house or building) number for the address is not valid."
            "isGeocoded": false,
            "addressTypeCode": "S",
            "addressTypeDescription": "Street"
"processingError": {
    "errorCode": "PRP-ERR-BTH-IID-012",
    "errorMessage": "Unable to process both home and work location input data."
"transactionDetails": {
    "timestamp": "2022-03-08T15:35:08.665",
    "serviceVersion": "Address Service: 0.9.1, Address Data Build: 17401 (2022-02-15). Geo Data Build: 17260 (2021-10-15). ; Location service: 0.3.2. ; Payroll Point service: 1.2.99",
    "processedTransactions": 0,
    "processingTime": 0.157000000

Geocoordinates are Outside U.S.

If coordinates (latitude/longitude) are provided that are outside the US, the following transaction error is provided:

    "result": {
        "homeResults": {
            "inputGeoCoordinates": {
                "longitude": 0.0,
                "latitude": 0.0
            "locationTaxes": [],
            "transactionError": {
                "errorCode": "SLS-ERR-GCO-IID-012",
                "errorMessage": "Coordinates are outside of USA."
        "workResults": {
            "workLocation1": {
                "inputGeoCoordinates": {
                    "longitude": 0.0,
                    "latitude": 0.0
                "locationTaxes": [],
                "transactionError": {
                    "errorCode": "SLS-ERR-GCO-IID-012",
                    "errorMessage": "Coordinates are outside of USA."
        "processingError": {
            "errorCode": "PRP-ERR-BTH-IID-012",
            "errorMessage": "Unable to process both home and work location input data."
    "transactionDetails": {
        "timestamp": "2022-03-08T15:48:19.636",
            "serviceVersion": "Location service: 0.3.2. ; Payroll Point service: 1.2.99",
            "processedTransactions": 0,
            "processingTime": 0.022000000

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