fillPdf/{formId} (GET)
A GET method request to the fillpdf endpoint will return information for a given form, all the fields that can be expected, in addition to each field’s validation regular expressions. It also returns the tax parameters schema for the requested form.
SPF-API supports form versioning through a query parameter. You can collect all the details of a form and its version by including the formVersion query parameter. This is an optional query param and if not included will provide the latest form version.
Form Versioning Syntax Example
Sample Response
"id": "W4101",
"locality": "FEDERAL",
"name": "W-4",
"title": "Employee's Withholding Certificate",
"formType": "Resident",
"initialQuestionSetId": "QS1",
"effectiveDate": "2020-01-01",
"formVersion": "1.20.0",
"formFields": {
"formId": "W4101",
"formVersion": "1.20.0",
"employee": {
"firstName": "^[A-Za-z.\\'\\- \\xC0-\\xD6\\xD8-\\xF6\\xF8-\\xFF]{1,}$",
"employer": {
"name": "^(.*)$",
"federalEIN": "^[0-9]{2}[-]?[0-9]{7}$|^[0-9]{9}$",
"fields": {
"otherAdjustmentsSurvey": "^(true|false)$",
"interestAndDividends": "^[+-]?[0-9]{1,3}(?:,?[0-9]{3})*(?:\\.[0-9]{2})?$",
"signForm": "PREVIEW"
"blankFormImages": [
"taxParameters": [
"id": "FED.dependentsAmt",
"valueType": "dollarAmount",
"description": "Amount under the dependents credit claimed by employee"
Above is an example of an object returned by the fillPdf/{formId} (GET) endpoint.
It is important to note the taxParameters object consists of all the values that will be needed for a payroll system to properly calculate payroll taxes.
Form Deprecation
"id": "W4101",
"notice": {
"type": "DEPRECATION",
"message": "Form has been deprecated, current form version: 2021.1.0"
We always recommend passing in a form version as a query param as the best practice when using the SPF-API. This way when hitting the /fillPdf GET endpoint we can alert a user when a form is deprecated. Above is a code snippet of part of the response we will return when an older form version is passed in as a query param.
Updated almost 3 years ago